Black Hoodie


Your order will go towards the fundraising efforts of our upcoming youth retreat. This hoodie is inspired by the Jamaat's distinct color scheme. 

The front of the hoodie exhibits the Bismillah Ala Muhammad (SAW) encased in a small print that reads "Jamaat of the Shehu" in red, green, and yellow. This is then encased in a text reading "Sankore Institute" in white.

The back of the hoodie displays a distorted world design where the establishment date of the Jamaat sits in the middle.

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The establishment date was set as 1774, per the expert opinion of Sheikh Muhammad Shareef. This is based on the year the Jamaat was established as a scholarly, spiritual, and social community. It is also when the Jamaat began as a clerical network and places us in priority to 1776, the date of the establishment of white oppression in the U.S.